Why I Make and Create


From humble Lego blocks and Robin Hood inspired bows and arrows, to cubbies and tree houses in the bush around my childhood home north of Melbourne; for as long as I can remember, I have been making and building things. It has always been a strong part of my identity and something I have taken great pride and self-satisfaction in.

During my high school years, I helped my dad who was a builder on my days off to get some extra pocket money, all the while my report cards would continue to come in saying, “Luke has great potential if he can only concentrate”.

I never felt like school was for me and the practical nature of building (and the satisfaction it gave me) spoke to me more than it ever could.

Although I did finish year 12, I scraped my ass along the ground, knowing that I was not going to need an enter score for my carpentry apprenticeship. I can still hear the disappointment in my mums voice as we looked up my enter score online, finding a score that even I was shocked by. Getting an abysmal 12.2 out of 100, my mother's words echo in my ears, “you could have done so much better luke”.

I was not so bothered by this as during those following Christmas holidays I had a trial with a local carpenter called Travis Buckland, and the following year he offered me an apprenticeship. 


Trav and I had a great working relationship, two very driven and hardworking individuals. Trav was an amazing boss who always had time for me. I think one thing I did well was ask questions, I was then and still am very curious and inquisitive by nature. We did some new builds and a lot of renovations- this is what I really enjoyed. I feel anyone can build something off the plan, but trying to marry that in to a existing dwelling made for some good problem solving.  

Problem solving is one of the main driving forces behind my creative and artistic works; having an idea is the easy bit, but how do you produce it? My artistic work these days is just creative problem solving. This element of the creative process gives me great joy and will continue to fuel my creative endeavors for many years to come.