

The Signature Series

Coming from a carpentry background, working in a rigid environment where everything is predetermined,
initially Luke found a creative avenue through sculptural furniture and practical art pieces.
While this helped abate the restlessness for a while, Luke took one further step away from set form and into the realm of pure creative expression,
leading to his Signature Series. 

 Luke’s inquisitive nature got bored with the 2 dimensional sketches and forms and wanted to experiment in a different way.

 These sculptural objects come into being using an Intuitive design process with no pre conceived finished aesthetic. 

Piece by piece these shapes take form, evolving in balance and harmony within itself. Like the union of letters in a crossword,
each individual segment of Luke’s creations need to find their place to become one with the finished product. 

 Luke has found a way in which he can express himself, utilizing his skilled hand at carpentry, that resonates with him on a deeper level.
This Signature Series captures his creative journey and new freedom through flowing lines and unique form. 

 “For me its just an exploration of my own creativity. I’m conscious of not being overly influenced by other artists or distinctive styles.
My focus is more on expressing a personal journey through what’s possible with unique forms, shapes and ideas.”

At Ease

Part of Luke’s Signature Series, at Ease was excepted into the 2019 sculptures by the sea exhibition in Bondi Sydney,
made to 4 times this scale in mild steel with a satin black paint finish.


The Edge

Part of the Signature Series, the flow was part of the 2019 Sculptures Inside Exhibition which is a part of Sculptures by the Sea in Sydney.
Made with red iron bark Australian hardwood. and then was cast in bronze

The Hunter

Part of the Signature Series, the hunter was also part of the 2019 Sculptures Inside Exhibition,
which is part of the Sculptures by the Sea Exhibition in Sydney. Made from Wormy Chestnut Australian hardwood.

The Growth

Part of the Signature Series, was part of the Agendo Exhibition at Camberwell Grammar in Melbourne outer suburbs,
It was later purchased by the school to be a permanent part of the fabric of the school. Made with Red Iron Bark Australian hardwood.

Finding Yourself

The third piece in my Signature Series, “Finding yourself” looks at the societal pressure on being a young man,
were the norm is not show emotion as it will show weakness, not open up to others as you will be vulnerable,
this piece looks at when we let go we just flow, and can connect with our inner self and lift that cloak that was hiding ourselves and reveal the beauty within.


Twists and Turns

This bold and flowing form marks a turning point in my short career,
where I started seeing my work being strong enough to stand alone without a function, I originally designed as a lighting pendant and I do love it as a pendant,
but when it has broken away from everything and is left alone its true strength really shines through.

Can be made in steel for landscaped areas or timber for interior uses.


The Beginning

My first large scale metal sculpture piece. The beginning is an elaborate 3D version of new ink series,
and trying to bring these flat abstract 2D collection of linear gestures to life into a living 3D sculpture.
Each line having its own identity, but all working with every other piece to create something so much more!